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Showing posts from March, 2018

Gloria Lucas, Part 4/4, An Individual Unprepared to Lead a Collective

Introduction  It seems Lucas is attempting to claim her feminism is somehow distinct from intersectional feminism. On social media, her “intellectual” or “activist” domain, she has openly blasted self-described intersectional feminists for (in her words) claiming solidarity with her or other women of color. On that point, I agree to a larger extent. However, Lucas cannot claim to have somehow developed anything remotely equal to an alternative framework of feminism, as this would be impossible insofar as she could not have developed anything to be taken seriously. The fact remains, however, that Lucas’s feminism is steeped entirely in intersectional feminist ideals and parlance. Adding to that, another fact remains that the only thing original about “her” version of this kind of feminism is that she simply swapped out the word ‘body’ from body positivity for the vulgar ‘nalgona’ and added the word ‘pride’ thus formulating the grammatically redundant ‘nalgona positivity [pride]’, t